Monday, January 2, 2012

Meet The Extended Nutt Family

Cupcake and I watch birds and squirrels more than we watch TV around here. We are those weirdos staring outside all the time. In fact, I might have even bought the cats a table just to be able to sit and look comfortably out the dining room window. It's been a very worthwhile table though and also provides Butter with a good place to practice his pouncing moves on summer nights when the back light is on and all the moths get attracted to the light. Anyways, this post isn't supposed to be about my cats, but my squirrel friends.

When we first moved here, Cody and I had a plastic kitty litter bucket filled with sunflower seeds. That's went we first met our new buddies. They didn't have names back then. Here is one of them:
They made a little hole in the top of the bucket and would just sit inside and munch away. And at night, Rachael Raccoon made her appearance which scared the crap out of me the first time I saw her staring right back at me in my own house through the old single-paned window that might bust while I was trying to scare her away. Here she is playing on breaking my bird feeder. I am not a fan.
 In fact, I stopped feeding the squirrels and birds because I didn't want to see her. But then I realized that if I didn't feed the squirrels she still came out and dug through our trash and would leave muddy footprints on the deck. So I started to feed the squirrels again. Granted, I would actually like to feed the birds like a normal person would, but 1. Rachael broke my only bird feeder and 2. the squirrels eat out of the bird feeder anyways and 3. the squirrels scare the birds away. And yes, I feed them on the front porch just to give my babies some entertainment. Aren't they cute?

 Here's Shawty Nutt. His tail is short. At any one time I've seen up to 6 of them out there. I named all of them, but Shawty's really the only one that I can remember, and therefore, he's my favorite. If I don't feed them for a few days, he will lay on the deck railings waiting for me to feel sorry for him or just sit on the sill of the window looking in. It's pretty cute, but I swear sometimes I can smell them.

And Possum Nutt (P. Nutt for short) made an appearance the other night.
 And now to get to the whole point of this story--mom and dad gave me a squirrel seat for Christmas since they know all about my friends. And FINALLY I got one to sit down! YAY!! Ok, that's all. I think I need a life. Or a job. But this is way more fun than studying.

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