Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I wish I wish I wish

Here's what our house looks like now--dark and dirty because of the dark trim and dark everything:
 Here is is after photoshop (note: I don't have mad photoshopping skills yet so don't laugh). I must say the knock out roses add the most, but the trim is white and the door and shutters are happier colors. I like it. I also didn't add landscaping to the left because I didn't know what would go there.
And here it is with a cute little front porch and white rail that we could do. Sorry about the blue siding, not my favorite but it's hard to pick a good color. Still looks a million times better. I really like the porch!

hmm...what else can I photoshop...I think I'm going to do the back deck next!!!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Photoshoppin Fool

Don't judge me...I am slightly addicted to photoshop and design seeds and made my own 8x10 print:
I personally like it a lot. Can't wait to make more things! I also made my own save the dates because the ones on weddingpaperdivas are $1 per postcard and there's no way I'm going to pay that plus postage. I printed 500 of standard sized postcards from Staples.com for only $30 and hopefully they will come out decent-looking. I've decided that when I get a job, I'm going to buy an expensive camera that takes real good pictures because my point and shoot is crap. We couldn't get a good photo on self-timer at all--they were all super blurry. Bummer. So the picture in the save the date isn't great quality but oh well.

Now I just need to make the one that says "The house was clean yesterday, sorry you missed it!". Because that's how I feel all the time. There is no point in cleaning the house. I take that back, there's a point to cleaning, but putting crap away and keeping it in it's place is real hard for me. I do enjoy vacuuming with my vacuum though. I never knew how dirty a house could get before I got one of those no-bag-see-through-the-canister cleaners. I suggest everyone get one. I have a Hoover and it's green. I don't know what the actual name of it is. I think I could vacuum every day and would get an inch of dirt in the bottom. And cat and Claire hair (which I also believe helps to facilitate the dirt picking-upping). For those of you who have a bag vacuum, I suggest you change the bag more often than you think you'd need to. Seriously. Wow I am completely rambling.

I may be completely rambling because Cody's coffee drinking habits have rubbed off on me. Yesterday we went through a whole 12 cup pot before 1pm and we got up at around 9. I drink it all throughout the day. The color of my teeth is hurting bad. That is enough. On to more photoshoppin'.

Sunday, January 8, 2012


I probably won't post for a week or so (I know, sad, because these posts are just the absolute best thing ever) because I'm studying for the PANCE which I take in 8 days!!! Yay! I can't wait to be done with studying for a few months at least. The sucky thing is that I have to retake the PANRE in 6 years. Why 6? Who knows. That is a stupid number. Doctors only have to retake them every 10. Oh well, I can do it.

On a side note, I've been getting a lot of little projects done--pieced together most of my first quilt, primed and painted a bajillion frames for my future hallway project, kept the kitchen fairly clean, made two pillow forms out of old bed pillows, learned how to make ruffles, hung some curtain rods, going to make the curtains for the curtain rods tomorrow, bought a new rug, went to estate sales, etc etc. I feel like I've done some more stuff in all my "study breaks". Oh well, this is one of those study breaks and I need to get back to pinterest studying.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

LOVE LOVE LOVE shopping online

I'm really excited, doing my crazy happy faces because I just bought an 8x10 foot rug for the living room for only $137 with free shipping AND no sales tax (which saves over $10 just in tax). It's probably a bit bigger than we really need, but we can just stuff the extra in the corner and put the new giant sectional that we want on top. I hope I like it in real-life. Here is a link to someone that bought it before (and I quite like the story to go with it, especially the "mousies" part and the pictures of the cat using the underside of the boxspring as a hammock because we have that exact same hole in ours in the exact same spot!)


The funny thing is that I stayed up until midnight last night debated on whether or not I should get it becuase it was 50% off. I ended up "sleeping" on it. I was really upset this morning when it went back down to only 35%. Now, less than 12 hours later it's 75% off? Seems a little odd, but oh well! Maybe tomorrow it will be free. If so, I will ask for a price adjustment!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Meet The Extended Nutt Family

Cupcake and I watch birds and squirrels more than we watch TV around here. We are those weirdos staring outside all the time. In fact, I might have even bought the cats a table just to be able to sit and look comfortably out the dining room window. It's been a very worthwhile table though and also provides Butter with a good place to practice his pouncing moves on summer nights when the back light is on and all the moths get attracted to the light. Anyways, this post isn't supposed to be about my cats, but my squirrel friends.

When we first moved here, Cody and I had a plastic kitty litter bucket filled with sunflower seeds. That's went we first met our new buddies. They didn't have names back then. Here is one of them:
They made a little hole in the top of the bucket and would just sit inside and munch away. And at night, Rachael Raccoon made her appearance which scared the crap out of me the first time I saw her staring right back at me in my own house through the old single-paned window that might bust while I was trying to scare her away. Here she is playing on breaking my bird feeder. I am not a fan.
 In fact, I stopped feeding the squirrels and birds because I didn't want to see her. But then I realized that if I didn't feed the squirrels she still came out and dug through our trash and would leave muddy footprints on the deck. So I started to feed the squirrels again. Granted, I would actually like to feed the birds like a normal person would, but 1. Rachael broke my only bird feeder and 2. the squirrels eat out of the bird feeder anyways and 3. the squirrels scare the birds away. And yes, I feed them on the front porch just to give my babies some entertainment. Aren't they cute?

 Here's Shawty Nutt. His tail is short. At any one time I've seen up to 6 of them out there. I named all of them, but Shawty's really the only one that I can remember, and therefore, he's my favorite. If I don't feed them for a few days, he will lay on the deck railings waiting for me to feel sorry for him or just sit on the sill of the window looking in. It's pretty cute, but I swear sometimes I can smell them.

And Possum Nutt (P. Nutt for short) made an appearance the other night.
 And now to get to the whole point of this story--mom and dad gave me a squirrel seat for Christmas since they know all about my friends. And FINALLY I got one to sit down! YAY!! Ok, that's all. I think I need a life. Or a job. But this is way more fun than studying.