Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Steroid Worm

You can't see it very well in this picture, but this worm MUST have a growth hormone problem--He was freaking huge!! I mean like 1 cm wide and 7 inches long!!! We have two tree stumps in the back yard, one we finally dug up since it was rotten and the other we couldn't get up yet. There is a bunch of sedum planted around them so I transplanted the sedum plants to around the deck and found this guy.

 Also, note that weird piece of fabric in the middle upper right hand corner--just another sign of how trashy this place must have been!

1 comment:

  1. Ewww worms. I get so grossed out when it rains and they're slithering all over the pavement. Worms on steroids are 10x worse. I can't believe I used to PLAY with worms! Seriously, it makes my skin crawl. I'm such a girl.... :P
